I have always emphasized on the fact that what ever you do as adults / parents, your kids will follow in their adulthood. So, why is teaching traditions important to our kids? It is not for ‘Identification’ of them being in a culture or following a religion – it is for them to be a proud participant of the customs of the family / land that they belong! (Well, one could argue in the thinking of J K, that we should go beyond any kind of limitations like land, culture etc but that is another topic, altogether ).
I make it a point to go through the tedious process of cutting the fruits, nuts etc for making the Christmas cake and the laborious task of making it finally! Year after Year I do this, even though my children have left home, many years ago. They appreciate the fact that I do this and that they can look forward to the Christmas season to come home and celebrate together.
At Playcoop we teach the children the importance of Marghazhi as equally the spirit of Christmas! May be our forefathers had a reason to teach us the customs that we have, (as long as it is not a blind faith, without meaning,) let us learn our traditions and try and pass it on to our children and the generations to come.