37 years in the field of Pre School Education, PlayCoop has come a long way in catering to the needs of the children. At a time when there is mushrooming of play schools at every area in town, Play Coop has been has been in limelight because of the strong foundation it has laid down in creating a very scientific and stimulating syllabi for the children.
Established by Princess Naik, Play Coop is known for its interesting options and concepts, to keep the young and ceaselessly innovative ones engaged. That is one of the many reasons for its popularity. The school follows an integrated syllabus, combining Montessori, Indian and American system of education, which involves a lot of fun activities that lead directly to learning programs. Keeping in mind the age group and to avoid regular class- room atmosphere and formal learning, a lot of free play and out door play is being encouraged.
The name 'Play Coop' was chosen because in the place where it was first started, the teachers and the children were kind of 'cooped up' says Princess Naik says. She adds "We have introduced concepts like music and arts, which were not in a developed form earlier. There is a lot of work going on to educate the parents, to make them realize that this is not just a place where children are sent to be looked after. We have an orientation programme every year for the parents in the month of August, when we explain our methods and interact with them in an open forum".